Short form and Full form
We use many abbreviations in our daily life. These abbreviations are used so much in our day to day life that many people are forgetting the full form of that abbreviation, but it is very important to know the full form of this abbreviation. Because you can get detailed information about that abbreviations only from the full form of that word. So in this post we are trying to know the short forms used in daily life and their full forms.
- Whenever an abbreviation of a phrase is formed, it is short formed by taking the first letter of each word in that phrase.
- Preferably abbreviations are written in capital letters.
- Abbreviations are immediately remembered.
- Abbreviations Are easy to use.
- ACP - Assistant Commissioner of Police
- Al - Air India
- AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
- AIIMS - All India Institute of Medical sciences.
- AIR - All India Radio.
- ANM - Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery
- ATC - Air Traffic Control
- ATKT - Allowed to Keep Terms
- BA - Bachelor of Arts.
- BARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.
- BBC - British Broadcasting corporation.
- B Com - Bachelor of Commerce.
- BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
- BE - Bachelor of Engineering.
- B.Ed - Bachelor of Education.
- BHMS - Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
- B Litt - Bachelor of Literature.
- BM - Bachelor of Medicine.
- BP - Blood pressure.
- B Pharm - Bachelor of Pharmacy.
- BS - Bachelor of Surgery.
- B.Sc - Bachelor of Science.
- BSF - Border Security Force.
- B.Tech - Bachelor of Technology.
- CBI - Central Bureau of Investigation.
- CDSL - Central Securities Depositories Ltd
- CE - Civil Engineer.
- CID - Criminal Investigation Department.
- CNG - Compressed Natural Gas
- CO - Commanding Officer.
- CR - Central Railway.
- CRPF - Central Reserve Police Force
- DA - Dearness Allowance.
- D Lit(t) - Doctor of Letters or Literature.
- D Phil - Doctor of Philosophy.
- D Sc - Doctor of Science.
- DVD - Digital versatile disc
- ENT - Ear, Nose and Throat.
- FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization.
- FBI - Federation Bureau of Investigation.
- FICCI - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
- GPO - General Post Office
- HP - Harmonic Progression
- HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
- IAA - International Airports Authority.
- IAC - Indian Airlines corporation.
- IAAS - Indian Audit and Account Service.
- IAF - Indian Air Force.
- ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research.
- ICS - Indian Civil Service.
- IDPL - Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
- IIT - Indian institute of Technology
- IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
- IMA - Indian Military Academy.
- IN - Indian Navy.
- INA - Indian National Army.
- IPC - Indian Penal Code.
- IPS - Indian Police Service.
- IRS - Indian Revenue service.
- ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization.
- ITI - Indian Telephone Industries.
- LIC - Life Insurance Corporation ( of India ).
- MA - Magister Atrium.
- MBA - Master of Business Administration.
- MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
- M Com - Master of Commerce.
- MD - Doctor of Medicine.
- M Ed - Master of Education.
- MLA - Member of the Legislative Assembly.
- MLC - Member of the Legislative Council
- MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service
- MO - Medical Officer.
- MP - Member of Parliament.
- M Tech - Master of Technology.
- MV - Motor Vessel.
- NCC - National Cadet Corps.
- NCERT - National Council of Educational Research and training.
- NDA - National Defense Academy
- NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
- NOC - No Objection Certificate.
- NSC - National Service Corps.
- NSDL - National Securities Depositories Ltd
- ONGC - Oil & Natural Gas Commission.
- PA - Personal Assistant.
- Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy.
- PIN - Postal Index Number.
- PO - Post Office.
- PPF - Public Provident Fund
- PTI - Press Trust of India.
- PTO - Please Turn Over.
- PVC - Param Vir Chakra.
- RADAR - Radio Detecting and Ranging.
- RAF - Royal Air Force.
- RAW- Research and Analysis Wing.
- RBI - Reserve Bank of India.
- RC - Red Cross.
- RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement
- SBI - State Bank of India
- SC - Supreme Court.
- SITE - Satellite Instructional Television Experiment.
- SIM- subscriber identification module
- SLV - Satellite Launch Vehicle
- SMS - short message service
- SSL - Secure Sockets Layer
- STARS - Satellite Tracking and Ranging Station.
- UK - United Kingdom.
- UNESCO - United Nations Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- VC - Video Conference
- VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seize
- WHO - World Health Organization
- WiFi - Wireless Fidelity
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